You may have seen him on WKYT or even on one of those low budget thriller movies during Halloween. Jake C. Young (sometimes credited as "Jake Eastwood") is one of very few actors who have jaded a career as diverse. Young is an American actor who has gone from humble beginnings, as a supporting cast member of independent films and low budget horror movies, to his owning his own production company, MTS Pictures. His works include: Screature of the Lagoon (2021) Boone: The Vengeance Trail (2021) A Night of the Undead(2022) The Dark Room (2023) And most recently: Daylight to Dark (2024)

In early years, under the recommendation of his manager, Angela: Young adapted the stage name "Jake Eastwood" due to his striking resemblance to western star, Clint Eastwood. Young is well know if his directorial style of independent filmmaking. His films extend from major leads to occasionally appearing in cameo-roles in films like: Free to a Bad Home & Reunion From Hell 2.
We sat down with Jake, after he made an announcement to our team. Young stated “In 2025 I will be starting fresh. I want to create a more traditional style film studio. Much like a Film commission in Southern Kentucky for independents. I want a more Conservative approach.”
So what made him want to do something like this? With this is kind of a move- making announcement regarding conservatives in of the most diverse industries in the world, this is what he had to say:
Jake: “Well when I say conservative style, I don’t necessarily mean in a political sense. On my film sets I believe everyone has the right to their political views, and that will be respected. What I mean by “conservative” is that I am tired of seeing resources and funding wasted on pointless things. I’ve been in this industry for over 10 years now and I get tired of seeing major studios waste money. The independent filmmaker is constantly robbed without standing a chance, especially when you have big studios fighting against them. It doesn’t help being from a small town and you have to fight the pettiness of small town politics. I want to create an environment where people don't have to be afraid of offending others because of their race, gender, religion, or other cultural affiliations.”
How is this affected you? And what you want to do something like this?
Jake: “I can’t tell you enough how many really good friends I’ve lost to this industry. All because I wouldn’t conform more of a “Hollywood” style approach. I’m an independent filmmaker and I like to do things my own way, but I also ran with big dogs, having my films showed in theaters, worldwide releases, and well named talent in them. I am humbled by every opportunity that I get to make a film and meet new people, rather it be star cast members or production assistance working behind-the-scenes, each person plays a vital role. I try to be super easy to get along with and do what is best for the production but sometimes you run into problems. Instead of a Director having that creative freedom that a filmmaker should, you get people that have the "Hollywood" mindset: that everyone should have an input in a film's final production despite what the director says or thinks. Most of the time they must be careful not to offend others due to that individuals personal insecurities. Unfortunately, that’s just not the way it works. I’m all for expressing ideas, but when someone tries to take over something, you’ve worked hard to build that becomes a problem.”
Jake founded the company MTS Pictures officially in 2016. After operating under the name throughout his years in college. Jake told us he chose the name MTS Pictures, which originally stood for "Mountain Top Studios". He said the reason for choosing the name because it has always been a "Mountain Top experience". He started: "I've been on top of the mountain or the mountain has been on top of me." Due to its lengthy name, Young shortened the title simply to the more simple: MTS Pictures. He claims the rest was history.
Young recently premiered his newest feature film Daylight to Dark that stars Tuesday Knight (Nightmare on Elms St) and co-written by Rollin Jewett (An American Vampire Story) back in October, also promising a 2 hour directors cut. The film has widely been a success and will be hitting streaming 2025. It's no secret that Young had others express some concern on the set, after making public statements regarding but the production as well, which prompted him to do this interview with our team. We asked him to give us a few details about that:
Jake: “There’s really not much to say, I had relationships with people who I thought were friends in this industry. Obviously not, but I wish them well. You know…it’s like I said… People always move to more of a Hollywood style approach in this business or portray themselves as a victim of circumstance when they don't get their way. It's like they get a little taste of success and it all goes to their head and they completely change who they are. Folks get upset when they're not being recognized or the center of attention. That's when they try to make other artists look poor to make themselves look better. But stepping on other is never the way to elevate yourself. Another huge problem with being an independent filmmaker is securing financial investors. The only issue with having private financial investors vs. using a crowd funder like indiegogo or Go Fund Me, is that usually the private investors want to have some form of control! This usually consists of the investor thinking they are “in charge or an owner of your business” in your direct dealings. Then pulling the funding halfway through production while threatening lawsuits unless you sign over the rights to YOUR FILM..… then manipulate you in to doing something against your will. And it’s not just investors who do that, it’s a lot of these big shot “distributors”.
Young told us that he had become somewhat of a "target" in the indie film business in an attempt to silence his efforts. He even stated that officials from his city of residence joined in making a public mockery of him. When asked to be specific, he told us that out of safety and the respect of others, he refused to give our team details or names of those individuals.
Jake: “Yeah they tried to “Blacklist” me. Blacklisting is a term used in Hollywood when they put you on a list "no-cast-list" or make sure you don’t get any work… A real cancel culture type of thing for filmmakers. They made me out to be some kind of a monster to people I barely even knew. It's stupid to me that you even have to deal with that type of s***! I mean, come on people we are supposed to be professionals so act like it! That type of thing is what drives creativity away.”
With tears in his eyes, Young told us he was deeply affected by those circumstances not only professionally and financially but personally as well.
Jake: "Man…I watched my family suffer so bad because of how low other people can be. Even if I told you all of it, you wouldn't know the half. I spent THOUSANDS of dollars to try to make it all stop. After witnessing numerous people I considered “friends” joining forces to publicly denounce me for selfish personal gain, financial advantage, manipulation of my character, and blackmail to the extent I had to take legal action for the safety of my family, I am compelled to express my disappointment in all of them....But the hardest thing was biting my tongue and saying nothing. Sitting back not doing anyting. Letting God take care of it. But those kind of folks usually expose genuine character. 99% of the time those kids of individuals have no difficulty recognizing the success that your work and name secured for them. Someone once told me “with great power comes great responsibility” - sticking to what you say means something to me. Most people know I’m not scared of anything but this had me torn up- not for me, but mostly for the people around me/ loved ones. And guys let me tell you, it’s very hard to stand your ground with the whole world falling around you. These type of things should NEVER happen to someone simply trying to express their creativity. I wanted to create a safe haven for people who are serious about their work and eliminate all of the dramatic agendas that go on in most Hollywood settings. Keeping professional conduct afloat for fellow artists and their work. Standing up for their values of choice"
According to sources and others who have worked on his sets, Young has always been known as a "kind of a no BS style" director. In the past he has brought several films in earlier than expected and under budget, saving time and money for his production company as well as the actors accompanying it.
Jake: "I figured this would be a good time to say this and try to launch something new. Especially for people in southern Kentucky. We don’t really get to see the benefits of a film commission and honestly as a filmmaker, you don’t unless your film is some form of union related project. I always make a goal to have my films in quicker than most and everyone who has ever worked with me in the past always will say that they are surprised at how much we get done in a day. Why is that? It's is because I believe in working hard. We show up to work and create a good story because we are professionals. It’s just what we do and I think everyone has a blast doing it!”
these are my new guild lines:
"Act professional, support/ respect others, show up ready work, follow the instructions, but mostly have a good time.... that's really all that I ask. Just be a decent human being, and if that is too difficult of an ask...well then MTS Pictures may not be the right fit for you"
In 2025 Jake plans to launch somewhat of an unofficial Film commission for southern Ky. A place that indie filmmakers can find resources and contacts for their work with out having to fight the agenda of big time studios.
Jake: "Look I’ve been on the opposite side of the fence… I know what it’s like to be opposed and have no help or resources for your film. As an independent filmmaker, I have worked very hard to make sure that my films are the best they can be while trying to help others also meet their goals. Ultimately, it’s not even about me, it’s about giving back to the people in this industry were genuinely trying to make a film. On my sets, there’s gonna be no blacklisting or unprofessional conduct from shallow spaced individuals. I also intend to make sure people feel comfortable and have a right to be themselves. People shouldn’t live in fear of offending others simply because someone is different. I’m very southern, I grew up in the Bible Belt- so I know very much what it’s like to have people upset with you for just being yourself and saying something you’ve always heard growing up. I want a place where everyone can come together with one goal in mind and that is to make a good film. A place where actors respect each other, directors, production-managers, and vice versa. A place where we all know our role and don’t try to overstep boundaries. As a very "conservative" style filmmaker my crew and myself will make sure that we use every resource available at our disposal and not waste peoples time with silly antics or nonsense or blow the money we receive from our financial supporters. There’s too much hate in the world without adding to it. I think it’s important to have a good time on set and be respectful, laughter is good for the soul. Indie filmmakers and actors are all encouraged to contact MTS Pictures for resources and advice on their productions.”
Mr. Young provided us with contact information on how independent filmmakers can reach out if they need help finding resources. (This can be found at the bottom of the article) Jake C. Young and his crew over at MTS PICTURES/ HT-Film have already put a list of films together they plan to launch in this rebranding campaign. Some of these include works of the famous Edgar Allen Poe, Familiar Neo- Westerns and some of the more chilling suspense thrillers he has been known to produce.
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Article by Alejandro Ramos
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